
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Daddy's day to my lifetime superhero!

When I was 4 years old I walked into the kitchen, blurry eyed from sleep and saw this man sitting there at the table.
Shy and nervous  I stood in silence... until he pulled out a bear. One that would hold a special place till the end of time.
I named her, Freddy teddy.
He broke my walls and got me to open up, quickly I loved him.
He watched me fall in love with French vanilla cappuccinos and taught me how to drive.
He was there for every bad dream and he turned my lamp on every single night.
He never made me feel as though I was any less his own and held me every time that I cried.
He is the cause for every silly face and my personality is his repeating itself.
I am my fathers mini me in almost every way.
He wasn't just my father because he had to be or it's what was right, he chose to be even when he had no obligation.
He is my super hero. He swooped in and saved my life.
He gave me a dad and showed me what I'd been missing, even when he didnt have to.
Daddy I love you. Thank you for always being there for every tough time, every happy time and every moment in general.
I am proud to be a daddy's girl.
I'm so thankful that you chose me.
Happy Daddy's day, Daddy!!!!