
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mom, my boogers look like...

So today my kids and I had a pretty fabulous day. Full of fun laughter and music.

It was a day for the calender. :)

My oldest reminded me today how much he was like me and that I really am wrong when I say he gets his attitude from his dad. No it definitely comes from me.

But more today I realized how a child's brain works. So completely out of the box.

My son parker, (who has a mind and personality all his own) is all boy. He loves gross things, slimy things.  Worms, mud, bugs, creepy crawlies. God was definitely testing my abilities to be a boys mom when he gave me him. :)

He also gets the biggest kick out of bodily functions. He's the first one to yell I tooted, and crack up when we say it stinks. (As I said a personality all of his own)

Well we have been working on the no nose picking the last few weeks. Trying to encourage tissues and less....fingers... bleh.

Tonight while in the car, he was apparently picking his nose. And informed me in the front seat...

"Mom, my boogers look like Ramen noodles!"

Oh. My. Gosh. Can I say ew enough. Ha

After going through the speech of, "please don't pick your nose Parker and DEFINITELY don't eat it, it is NOT ramen" I had to laugh at the realization that I came to.

How do children see things?
How differently they can see objects and the world.

I always say my biggest fear in life is that Parker has zero fear of anything. He sees everything as exciting, as nothing to back away from.

My son sees no reason to fear the stranger he says hello to in walmart as he offers them a bite of his cookie. He is truly one in a million.

Tonight I realized that his brain works in ways I myself as his mother will most likely never understand. And that's ok.

He's all his own.

I was given the gift of getting to raise this amazing, spontaneous and fearless little boy.

There will be times I will probably have to hold my breath when he gets older when one of his fearless stunts takes my mommy breath away.

My children teach me things everyday and the amazing fact is that today... I learned from something as disgusting as boogers. :)

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