Dear 16 year old me,
I'm writing you this letter because right now I know life seems to be dragging on and nothing you do will change that. All I can tell you is ... stop trying to.
Enjoy the smiles while you can, enjoy the time that you have with your friends because someday no matter how hard any of you try... most of you will drift apart. I know that seems impossible but sadly it's a fact so have fun with them while you can.
Take every chance given to you and stop being so scared... one day you will look back and regret that you gave up the pieces of yourself that were actually the most important, even if you don't see that now.
Laugh with your best friend as often as time allows... one day he won't be here because his life will be cut short. So go do crazy things, stay up late and listen to music you hate, take every word he says to heart and don't be offended when he tells you the truth. He only tells you the truth because he loves you.
Your heart is gunna get broken girl... It'll be the worst pain in your life... I wish I could say it makes you stronger, because that's what everybody else says... but it's simply not true. You're gunna cry, you're gunna hide from the fact and honestly I can't tell you if it ever completely goes away...But what I can tell you is that you will look back on this as a wonderful memory. And that's more than most could ask.
You're going to make a LOT of mistakes... I wish I could protect you from them. Situations you will put yourself in... people you will hurt. Sadly you will have alot you will wish you'd done differently. But you are learning.. sometimes you're gunna screw up and do it again. One day I promise... you will figure it out... the people that matter will be the ones who forgive you.
Life will not be an easy one. Adulting kind of sucks. You will have your hardships. There will be times that you are scared. There will be times that you can't think past the next step in front of you.
The will be times little girl.... where you will simply feel unworthy....
But let me tell you.. you are... you are worthy of your own greatness... never be ashamed of that....
Live your life girl and one day you'll be sitting here writing this letter to you... I promise. Just remember, that your knees are for praying and that sometimes holding your own hand will give you more strength than somebody else's will.
You've got this...
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