
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's day to my husband...

Happy Valentine's day my love.

I'm sorry it wasn't anything special, or exciting and I didn't plan anything for you.  I love you everyday of the year not just this one day. I swear I really do.

I know there are often times we don't feel much like husband and wife.  More like just a mom and dad falling victim to the chaos of parenting. I miss you every day, even when you're sitting beside me. I miss the conversations we would have full of spontaneous meaning. I know mostly all they are now is comparing schedules, doctors appointments, school meetings and bills to pay.

I know I sometimes forget to tell you when I notice the sweet little things you do. Like how you always get my favorite ice cream, not yours. Or that anytime we stop to get a drink you get Dr Pepper instead of Coke even though that's what you would want all because you know I don't like it. That's something special about you. And I do see that you do that. Everytime.

I see when you snuggle with one of our kids and watch a show you really hate, or stay up a little later when your exhausted just to play a game. I see that you let me vent about things you have no feelings about and when you let me ramble on about nothings just to let me talk.

I notice how you hold your tongue when I'm being irrational and immature and reacting how I shouldn't. I notice how you are patient when I'm not returning the favor.

I know you feel at times I don't see you there in front of me. I know sometimes I can make you feel like all I do is mother our kids and forget about you... I know that many times it appears that EXACTLY what I do.
But my love, I promise I DO see you.

I'm sorry that I do not more often show you or express how thankful I am for everything you do, or how much I appreciate you and love you. I'm sorry for losing it sometimes and getting frustrated. Sometimes you drive me crazy :) but I love you just the same. I'm sorry that many times I lose it on you it's not even your fault. It's typically mine and I'm sorry for being to stubborn to admit it most of the time. Every day I'm working to try and fix my flaws and admitting when I'm wrong..... ha the fact that I don't is my worse one of all. :)

Thank you for loving me even when I'm crazy. Thank you for standing beside me through these crazy times parenting our wonderful kids. Thank you for always being on my side. Thank you for always being there no matter what. I can't imagine doing any of this without you there by my side. My rock when I feel faulty, my breath when I can't breathe, my heart that keeps on beating.

And lastly...
I love you.
I love the you who even when your tired fixes what needs fixed, cleans what needs cleaned.
I love the you that loves me unconditionally when I lose it and scream when you did nothing wrong.
I love the you that teaches our boys how to play a new game, or ride a bike or kick a ball.
I love the you who loses yourself in our baby girls eyes.
I love the you that makes mistakes and reminds me we are all human.
I love the you that accepts that I am human too.

I love the you that I wake up every morning to and don't just love you. I choose to love you because I WANT to love you.

I love our life. Every happy, sad, angry and dirty little bit of it. There is no one in life other than you I would want to go through it with.

I don't fear that we won't make it. Because at the end of this crazy chaos when our kids are grown and gone, I believe we will look back and realize that every step of it brought us closed together and taught us more and more of what we needed to know. Someday we will look back at these frustrating moments and laugh at our reactions. Laugh at the silly fights and be thankful that each of us even when we felt distant held on so tight.

I love you more today that I did the day I first loved you. Not in that sloppy goofy teenage girl sort of way.
In that I'll love you till the end of time you are my heart sort of way.

Happy Valentine's day my husband. My heart.

I love you.

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