
Friday, June 21, 2013

2 year old memos

Well my son is officially 2.
And when they say they hit terrible 2's immediately they aren't lying. I thought we had by 16 months.

I. Was. WRONG.

We had a fantastic day on his birthday. Went to see his gramma, oma amd opa and went to the lake.
Couldnt have been a more pleasurable day.

Then he woke up the next morning and must have gotten the memo of being 2. Haha

All the sudden my sweet helper is pushing his brother, when you tell him no he throws himself on the ground. ( bit only after getting to the carpet. He doesnt want to get hurt apparently.) Says "no mommy/daddy be nice!" .. For being told no...

Overnight y'all it happened overnight. Lol

But mornings like this bring out my smile.

Kyden has taught his little brother to mimic and finds it hysterical :) so he'll go ha ha ha really loud parker will then copy and then they break out in genuine laughter :)

My boys are getting so big and Parker wants to follow his big brother everywhere.

Hope his good 2 year old habits rub off and the bad ones hide lol.

Parker will get what I now know is a 1 ywar old memo soon enough :)

Friday, June 14, 2013


Oh my goodness. So the funniest yet the most discussing thing happened today. My sons personality really showed

My youngest, Parker was wearing a onsie. I smelled that he was a little foul so I went to change him. Very unaware that it came out the back of his diaper.

So as I pulled his onsie off in order to not drop him (I was standing) I used my free arm that wasnt pulling the shirt and pulled him close to me. I pulled it over his head and said

"Man dude you stink"

At that moment kyden started cracking up. I don't mean laughing hard or just giggling, I'm talking full force laughing till his face turned read struggling to breathe falling over cracking up.

"Mommy parker poop"

Again intense laughter.

I then realize what was SO funny..  parker had not only had it on his back but pulling hus onsie off had pulled it through his hair and all over his arms..
The stench suddenly mad sense...
I was covered...

So my boys are now in the tub and even after scrubbing I think I may be headed there next.

I always told my husband once I became a mom my most used perfume would be poop puke and pee. :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Birthday Blues

So... my itty bitty 4lb 11oz baby turns 2 in one week... and this momma has struggled with her inner self.

I turn 25 this year. In 16 days actually. And to most your probably laughing at me thinking "wow 25" but with a nearing 2 year old and right behind him a 1 year old this year is really hitting me.

It hit me a few weeks ago as I was thinking about throwing my husband a birthday party for his 25th a few months down the road that... some of my absolute favorite ppl in my life aren't here to spend mine with me...

Now should this have effected me like it did? No. I have a fabulous family, a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful baby boys to celebrate with me. But wheres the distraction from being another year older or that my nabies aren't babies they are toddlers?!? Lol

But today my week shy from being 2 year old came up to me and said "hold you?" And once I tucked him in my arms with his little farmer tanned arms around my neck he said "love you mommy." Then pulled back and grinned his cheesy grin. That cheesy grin that he wouldn't have if he wasnt almost 2.

Today held that moment. That one moment every mommy gets every once in a while to remind them its ok the babies grow up.

Thank you my ky-bear for making mommy happy today that time moves forward :)